135 citations in Scopus indexed journals (January 3, 2025)
130 number of citations of JASF articles in Scopus indexed journals (per December 18, 2024):
Tax Incentive-Based Economic Policy, Modern Tax Administration System, and Taxpayer Compliance of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, Mapuasari, S. A., Wibowo, Y. S., Cakranegara, P. A., JASF: Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2023, 6(1), pp. 51–70
1 Citations:
Environmental, Social, Governance Report, and Materiality Analysis Effect on Financial and Market Performance, Indrawati, A., Ruliana, T., Yudhyani, E., Nurfitriani, N., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2023, 6(1), pp. 71–89
1 Citations
Profitability in Moderating the Effects of Business Risk, Company Growth and Company Size on Debt Policy. 201, Nurfitriana, A., Fachrurrozie, F., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2018, 1(2), pp. 111–120
1 Citations
Financial Statement Fraud: The Predictive Relevance of Fraud Hexagon Theory, Khamainy, A. H., Amalia, M. M., Cakranegara, P. A., Indrawati, A., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2022, 5(1), pp. 110–133
3 Citations
Revisit the dynamic portfolio formation between gold and stocks in Indonesia in the period before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, Yuliana, A.F., Robiyanto, R., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2022, 5(1), pp. 1–21
1 Citations
Do environmental performance, feminism in commissioner, female audit committee, and corporate visibility affect corporate environmental disclosure? Ardillah, K., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2022, 5(2), pp. 193–214
1 Citations
Improving performance of village owned enterprises: The role of human capital, organizational culture, and entrepreneurial orientation, Basri, Y. M., Br Pinem, N. A., Yasni, H., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2021, 4(2), pp. 256–273
1 Citations
Financial distress, regional independence and corruption: An empirical study in Indonesian local governments, Maria, E., Halim, A., Suwardi, E., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2021, 4(1), pp. 54–70
4 Citations
Gamification Model as a Business Strategy for MSMEs in Indonesia, Saputra, A. D., Rahmatia, A., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2021, 4(1), pp. 91–107
3 Citations
Do Cash Flow and Accounting Profit Information Affect Stock Prices? Muniroh, I., Yuliati, A., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2021, 4(1), pp. 108–121
9 Citations
Tax Avoidance, Tax Incentives and Tax Compliance During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Individual Knowledge Perspectives, Supriyati, S., Hapsari, I., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2021, 4(2), pp. 222–241
1 Citations
The effects of service quality and positive recommendation on trust building in mobile banking adoption among the customers of private banks in Myanmar, Tun, P. M., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2021, 4(2), pp. 152–171
1 Citations
Cryptocurrencies as a hedge and safe haven instruments during COVID-19 pandemic, Yuhanitha, N., Robiyanto, R., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2021, 4(1), pp. 13–30
1 Citations
Statement Fraud Practices with Audit Report Lag, Widharma, F., Susilowati, E, Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2020, 3(2), pp. 243–25
3 Citations
Ownership structure and firm value of quoted consumers goods firms in Nigeria, Oyedokun, G.E., Isah, S., Awotomilusi, N.S., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2020, 3(2), pp. 214–228
1 Citations
The influence of audit staff quality and client type on audit evidence collection with communication type as moderation, Rahim, S., Ahmad, H., Nurwakia, N., Nurfadila, N., Muslim, M., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2020, 3(1), pp. 103–117
1 Citations
The mechanism of corporate governance, financial performance, and social performance in Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT), Mukhibad, H., Nurkhin, A., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2020, 3(1), pp. 1–17
2 Citations
The Role of Prudence in Moderating the Effect of Bonus Mechanism, Intangible Assets, And Inventory Intensity Ratio on Transfer Pricing, Khasanah, U., Suryarini, T., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2020, 3(2), pp. 154–168
1 Citations
Firm Life Cycle and Investment Inefficiency, Graciosa, Amelia, Gracia, Gracia, Juliana, Rita, Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2020, 3, pp. 169–184
2 Citations
The analysis of intention and use of financial technology, Rahardjo, B., Akbar, B., Novitaningtyas, I., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2020, 3(1), pp. 88–102
11 Citations
The influence of perceived ease of use on the intention to use mobile payment, Setiawan, M., Setyawati, C.Y., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2020, 3(1), pp. 18–32
16 Citations
Disclosure on sustainability reports, foreign board, foreign ownership, Indonesia sustainability reporting awards and firm value, Aksan, I., Gantyowati, E., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2020, 3(1), pp. 33–51
2 Citations
Understanding Determinants Mobile Accounting App Adoption by Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise, Kholid, M. N., Alvian, S., Yumewang, Y. K., Tumewang, Y. K., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2020, 3(1), pp. 52–70
5 Citations
What Most Influence on NPLs in Indonesia? Bank Accounting Perspective with Mars Analysis, Shonhadji, N., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2020, 3(2), pp. 136–153
1 Citations
Supply Chain Management Analysis Using the Business Process Model and Notation in the Midst of COVID-19 Pandemic, Nuzulita, N., Djohan, R.S.A., Roiqoh, S., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2020, 3(2), pp. 185–198
3 Citations
The determinant of equity share price and the listed deposit money banks in Nigeria, Oyedokun, G.E., Arotolu, O.A., Vincent, H., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2019, pp. 127–142
1 Citations
Investigating the Effect of Liquidity, Leverage, Sales Growth and Good Corporate Governance on Financial Distress, Dianova, A., Nahumury, J., Journal of Accounting and strategic Finance, 2019, 2(2), pp. 143–156
9 Citations
The association between locus of control and job satisfaction to auditor ethical sensitivity, Gunawan, A., Munari, M., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2019, 2(2), pp. 193–207
3 Citations
Accounting Students Perceptions on Factors Affecting Career Choices, Cahyadi, D. D., Andayani, S., Suryaningrum, D. H., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2019, 2(2), pp. 170–182
5 Citations
Does ethical context affect the ethicality related judgement by the observers of earnings management? Kesaulya, F.A., Putri, W., Khairunnisa, Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2019, 2(2), pp. 107–116
1 Citations
The influence of awareness, moral obligations, tax access, service quality and tax sanctions on taxpayer compliance in paying motor vehicle tax, Yunianti, L. N., Putri, N. K., Sudibyo, Y. A., Rafinda, A., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2019, 2(1), pp. 1–13
9 Citations
Student perceptions of fraud and whistleblowing based on gender, Agustina, R., Pertiwi, D., Zutiasari, I., Ardiana, M., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2019, 2(2), pp. 183–192
1 Citations
Concept of accounting information system and management control system to improve company performance, Fitriyani, F.Y., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2019, 2(1), pp. 82–92
1 Citations
The influence of ownership structure, asset structure, and earning volatility on debt policy in Indonesia (Study in Pharmaceutical Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange), Anwar, S., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2019, 1, pp. 93–106
1 Citations
Implementation of good governance, utilization of information technology and reliability of government financial statement, Jauhari, H., Sari, Y., Dewata, E., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2019, 2(2), pp. 117–126
4 Citations
Cost Control and Profitability of Selected Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria, Oyedokun, G. E., Tomomewo, A. O., Owolabi, S. A., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2019, 2(1), pp. 14–33
1 Citations
Analysis of strategy positioning, segmenting, institutional image and service quality on service purchase decisions (case study at Muhammadiyah Elementary School 18 Surabaya), Winarsih, Y., Harwiki, W., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2018, 1(1), pp. 69–81
1 Citations
Effect of rupiah exchange rate, GDP growth, and Dow Jones index on composite stock price in Indonesia Stock Exchange, Oktavia, S., Handayani, W., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2018, 1(1), pp. 23–32
2 Citations
The effect of organizational, individual, and demographic factors on the Whistleblowing intention, Bernawati, Y., Napitupulu, G., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2018, 1(1), pp. 1–12
1 Citations
Unleashing creative performance accounting students, Yuhertiana, I., JASF Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2023, 6(1), pp. 156–171
1 Citations
Earning Management Analysis before and after Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Empirical Study of Automotive and Components Companies Registered on the IDX, Purwanti, A., Utama, I.W.W., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2018, 1(1), pp. 45–56
1 Citations
Factors influencing the stock price of banking companies in the Indonesia stock exchange, Perdana, M.K., Adriana, C.H., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2018, 1(1), pp. 57–68
3 Citations
The compliance of motor vehicle taxpayers: An experimental research, Nahumury, J., Utama, I. W. W., Suryaningrum, D. H., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2018, 1(2), pp. 163–176
1 Citations
The effect of disclosure of sustainability report on financial distress with company performance as intervening variables, Oktarina, D., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2018, 1(2), pp. 109–121
2 Citations
The Comprehensive Model of Whistle-Blowing, Forensic Audit, Audit Investigation, and Fraud Detection, Mamahit, A. I., Urumsah, D., Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 2018, 1(2), pp. 153–162
3 Citations
135 citations in Scopus indexed journals (January 3, 2025)
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