Constructing Optimal Portfolios Using the Single Index Model and Markowitz Model: A Study on Cryptocurrencies


  • Eko Sanjaya Nurhakim Universitas Telkom Bandung, Indonesia
  • Abdul Mukti Soma Universitas Telkom Bandung, Indonesia
  • Irni Yunita Universitas Telkom Bandung, Indonesia



Cryptocurrency, Optimal Portfolio, Single Index Model, Markowitz Model, Risk Management


This study analyzes the formation of optimal portfolios on cryptocurrency assets using the single index model and the Harry Markowitz model. This study covers 79 cryptocurrencies with the largest market capitalization during the period June 2023–June 2024. We calculate the optimal portfolio using the single index model and Markowitz, and evaluate its performance using the Sharpe Ratio. The results show that the Harry Markowitz model produces better portfolio performance compared to the single index model. The Markowitz portfolio produces a positive Sharpe ratio (1.8496), a portfolio return rate of 7.678%, and lower risk (0.0415). Conversely, the single index model portfolio shows a negative Sharpe ratio (-2.0971), indicating lower returns than risk-free assets. In addition, the Markowitz model offers more efficient diversification than the single index model. However, in general, both the Single Index Model and the Markowitz Model have a significant effect on the formation of optimal portfolios, with the Sharpe Index proving to be a significant mediator in the relationship between the two models and the optimal portfolio. The R-squared value shows that the SIM variables, Markowitz Model, and Sharpe Index explain 48.4% of the variation in the optimal portfolio. This study recommends the use of the Harry Markowitz model for cryptocurrency investment because it can provide higher returns with more controlled risks. This study provides important insights for investors on the strategy of diversifying cryptocurrency asset portfolios.


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How to Cite

Nurhakim, E. S. ., Soma, A. M. ., & Yunita, I. (2024). Constructing Optimal Portfolios Using the Single Index Model and Markowitz Model: A Study on Cryptocurrencies. JASF: Journal of Accounting and Strategic Finance, 7(2), 200–218.